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Allmond & Company is a certified public accounting firm which began operations in August 1985. For more than thirty years, our firm has been committed to assisting the federal government to improve financial management, ensure accountability, and strive for transparency. We began performing Federal agency financial statement audits in the mid-1980s — well before the CFO Act and ATDA became law.  Along with other Federal financial management professionals, we anticipated the inevitability of the CFO Act and assisted several small agencies in becoming capable of producing auditable records and financial statements.  Since then, our firm has provided financial management and auditing services to over 25 federal departments and agencies. As a result, our audit staff is well qualified to provide services in this specialized

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area, and all of our personnel are thoroughly familiar with federal financial reporting requirements, federal accounting standards, cost accounting concepts and principles, and federal auditing standards.                


Small to Mid-Size Agencies – As primary (sole) contractors, our firm has performed audit services over the past twenty years for many small and mid-size independent agencies, including the Congressional Budget Office, National Mediation Board, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, the Office of Special Counsel, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the National Transportation Safety Board, the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, and the Vietnam Education Foundation. The diversity of these agencies’ missions has provided us with a unique exposure to a variety of operational and financial accounting approaches used by these entities, as well as the budgetary and operational challenges they face. Because of this, for each agency, we were able to quickly understand the type of work the agency performs, its standard operating procedures and control activities, and determine the best method(s) for testing its financial activities and programs. 

Large Agencies - Allmond & Company is also familiar and comfortable with the audit requirements of large organizations. As a preferred subcontractor for KPMG for more than 16 years, Allmond and Company staff auditors, senior auditors, and managers have participated in the audits of the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice, Labor, Treasury, and Commerce and their components. Our participation in all phases of financial statement audits, including internal control and the preparation of closing packages, and our participation in performance, compliance, and operational audits enables us to be very comfortable in this role. This experience also allows us to understand the audit approaches taken in the past and enables us to develop new audit strategies, based on our familiarity with agencies of all sizes.

Federal Audit Experience – An important aspect of our experience is our longevity with clients. For audit and accounting support services alike, we have been a preferred provider for increasingly challenging accounting and audit tasks. Our experienced and knowledgeable employees, commitment to quality, dedicated partners, and focused niche on the federal government have made us invaluable to many of our customers in the realm of financial management and auditing and have enabled us to grow. We have served most of our clients for numerous years, providing solid, reliable and accurate auditing and accounting support services. Our continuous years of service with our clients demonstrate the firm’s commitment to meeting the goals and objectives of our clients.  While each engagement presents unique challenges, the firm has been successful in addressing and overcoming those issues, while maintaining quality work, positive results, and excellent client rapport.

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