Allmond & Company has assembled a dynamic group of experienced professionals who can meet the needs of federal or commercial entities. The members of its team are eminently qualified and have significant experience in providing the types of services required by either environment. The key personnel are experienced in writing clear, concise reports with realistic recommendations. These personnel are also experienced in present the results of audits to the highest level of management.
As Allmond & Company is a certified public accounting firm, its partners and managers are certified public accountants and members of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). The conduct of firm personnel and work on engagements are governed by the AICPA's Code of Ethics and generally accepted auditing standards. General areas covered include independence, ethics, training, technical proficiency, and reporting. Allmond & Company, in observing all standards in these areas, provides a quality work product to its clients. Additionally, the firm periodically undergoes a quality reviews conducted by peer members of the AICPA.

Marvin C. Allmond, CPA, CFE
At the time of his passing, Mr. Allmond had over four (4) decades of experience in supporting the Federal government in accounting and auditing. He was a trailblazer in the small business community and in developing young accounting professionals. He had been responsible for the continuous growth and development of Allmond & Company, LLC, and the widen support services to the Federal government over the past 33 years. Most of the services provided to various Federal agencies by the firm during the first twenty (20) years were lead and directed by him. His experience in program and financial audits included compliance, incurred cost, accounting systems, operational efficiency, program effective, final contracts, and contract termination audits resulted in the reputation the firm has today. Mr. Allmond was a graduate of Virginia State University (B.S., Accounting, 1972) and Central Michigan University (M.S., Management, 1976).
Jason L. Allmond, CPA, CGFM, CISA, CISM
Managing Member
B.B.A., Accounting, Bowie State University, 2003
Mr. Allmond has been a member of the firm for 9 years and has gained 15 years of experience in supporting Federal clients accounting and audit needs. He is also a member in Allmond & Company’s federal practice. Mr. Allmond, has over 16 years of Federal accounting and auditing experience, has directed or managed several of Allmond & Company’s accounting and audit engagements, which include over 20 financial and program audits of contractors and grantees and 17 CFO Act financial statement audits which includes federal agencies such as Army Corp of Engineers, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Treasury, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Department of Commerce, Government Printing Office, and U.S. Department of Justice. Mr. Allmond performs as senior audit manager, audit manager, supervising senior auditor, senior auditor, and staff auditor and was involved in all phases of the audits of the Corp of Engineers, Homeland Security, and Justice. Mr. Allmond was required to gain understandings of the agency’s process areas and internal controls over financial reporting through inquires and observations, preparing audit programs, evaluating and testing internal controls, conducting substantive testing, drafting cycle memorandums and flowcharts, drafting and notifying clients of findings and recommendations, and summarizing working papers. He also assisted in risk assessment, identifying fraud risk, interpretation of federal accounting standards, adequacy of internal controls, and measurement of material noncompliance with laws and regulations.
As a manager, Mr. Allmond directed senior and staff auditors and specialists; reviews and approves work plans and programs; helps to oversee assignments within the budgeted time and delivery commitments; reviews working papers, financial statements, and related reports for accuracy and completeness; discusses the results of work performed with clients; follows audit progress; and helps resolve accounting, auditing, and reporting problems.
Unless noted otherwise, the Federal financial statement audits listed have been conducted in accordance with the following (including applicable predecessors): OMB Bulletin No. 17-03, OMB Circular No. A-136, Government Auditing Standards, the Government Accountability Office/ Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (GAO/CIGIE) Financial Audit Manual (FAM), Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual (FISCAM), and the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 (FFMIA).
Mr. Allmond has experience on the following topics: GAO FAM/FISCAM, GAAP, GAGAS, DoD FIAR Guidance, DoD Audit Readiness, Outlays, Relevant IT Systems, Gross Costs/Expenses & Obligations Incurred, Earned Revenue & Unfilled Customer Orders, General Property Plant & Equipment, Civilian Payroll, Military Payroll, Investments, and Budgetary Authority.

M. Tyrone Allmond, CPA, CGFM
Member and Chief Operating Officer
B.S., Accounting, Shepherd University, 2001
Mr. Allmond has been a member of the firm for 9 years and has gained 16 years of experience in supporting Federal clients accounting and audit needs. He is a member in Allmond & Company’s federal practice. Mr. Allmond has over 16 years of Federal accounting and auditing experience, has directed or managed several of Allmond & Company’s accounting and audit engagements, which include over 20 financial and program audits of contractors and grantees and 17 CFO Act financial statement audits which includes federal agencies such as U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services, National Mediation Board and U.S. Postal Service. He has been responsible for directing engagements covering the major processes. He performed on engagements involving numerous material weaknesses and continued these during resolution of these issues.
As a manager, Mr. Allmond directed senior and staff auditors and specialists; reviews and approves work plans and programs; helps to oversee assignments within the budgeted time and delivery commitments; reviews working papers, financial statements, and related reports for accuracy and completeness; discusses the results of work performed with clients; follows audit progress; and helps resolve accounting, auditing, and reporting problems.
Unless noted otherwise, the Federal financial statement audits listed have been conducted in accordance with the following (including applicable predecessors): OMB Bulletin No. 17-03, OMB Circular No. A-136, Government Auditing Standards, the Government Accountability Office/ Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (GAO/CIGIE) Financial Audit Manual (FAM), Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual (FISCAM), and the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 (FFMIA).
Mr. Allmond has experience on the following topics: GAO FAM/FISCAM, GAAP, GAGAS, DoD FIAR Guidance, DoD Audit Readiness, Outlays, Relevant IT Systems, Gross Costs/Expenses & Obligations Incurred, Earned Revenue & Unfilled Customer Orders, General Property Plant & Equipment, Civilian Payroll, Military Payroll, Investments, and Budgetary Authority.
Sonya M. Lloyd-Hobbs, CPA
B.B.A., Accounting, University of the District of Columbia, 1986
Ms. Lloyd-Hobbs has been a principal of the firm for 9 years and has gained over 32 years of experience in our accounting supporting practice helping Federal clients with financial needs in accounting, auditing, and other financial related areas. Most of her work over the last 16 years had been in supporting financial accounting and related services at National Institute of Health Information Technology Assessment and Acquisition Center (NITAAC) where she performed as the on-site project director leading the firm efforts in management, accounting, and internal auditing in support of administering three government-wide contracts of the entity. Ms. Lloyd-Hobbs responsibilities include (1) assisting NITAAC management with the annual submission of Executive Agent Contract Activity Report to the Office of Management and Budget, (2) assisting management with the daily reporting of NITAAC’s financial position, (3) assisting management with the monthly NITAAC Dashboard report to NIH Office of Logistics and Acquisition Operations, (4) responding to inquiries from external parties who question the need for the existence of NITAAC, (5) advising management on the impact audit findings issued have on the continued existence of NITAAC (6) providing management with progress reports detailing the status of the financial accounting and support services contract as needed (7) developing and documenting standard operating procedures to be used by NITAAC and contractor staff, (8) preparing activity reports for customers notifying them of status of their funding managed by NITAAC, (9) acting as audit liaison and coordinating with government auditors as needed, and (10) assisting NITAAC management with special projects that contribute to the continued existence of NITAAC.
During the first 16 years with the firm, Ms. Lloyd-Hobbs was lead accountant in the preparation of federal financial statements, directed seventeen CFO audits, managed the remediation efforts of four engagements where material weaknesses were reported by outside auditors, performed performance audits of Federal functions and activities to evaluate effective and efficiency of operations, performed private sector attestation engagements for over 20 clients.
George K. Brant, CPA, CGFM
B.A., Communication Arts, Philosophy. and Religion, Georgetown College, Georgetown, KY, 1978
M.A., Theatre, Catolic University of America, Washington, DC, 1983
36 Hours in Accounting, Montgomery College, Rockville, MD
Mr. Brant rejoined Allmond & Company as an audit manager in August 1997 and is current . Mr. Brant initially worked for Allmond & Company from August 1994 to August 1995 as a senior auditor. He assisted in agreed-upon procedure reviews of Resolution Trust Corporation contractors, internal control reviews in accordance with FMFIA guidance, and accounting support services for Resolution Trust Corporation. Mr. Brant has over 20 years of accounting experience and 12 years of auditing experience. He has worked on 10 federal financial statement audits during his career. He has served in position from staff auditor to audit manager of engagements. In conducting these audits he gained experience in (1) applying generally accepted government auditing standards, (2) evaluating internal controls with all financial reporting processes, (3) assessing compliance with generally accepted accounting principles, (4) common organizational structure for human resources, financial reporting, grant management, procurement, and other functional areas, (5) applying the Financial Audit Manual in numerous federal environments, (6) providing audit and accounting training in the financial operations within a federal environment.
Mr. Brant has been a key staff in the of Allmond & Company services at NITAAC over the last 12 years. He works directly with the Accounts Receivable and External Payment Processing, the Interagency Agreement (IAA) Activity, the Management of Prior Years, Open IAA/MIPR for Task Order Closeout, the Billing and Reconciliation, and the Perform Pre-award Cost Proposal Evaluation functions of NITAAC. Mr. Brant assisted with (1) the development of the invoice processing procedures, (2) writing the standard operating procedures for the invoice payment process, and (3) the design of the invoice processing database which provided NITACC with a mechanism for tracking invoices from receipt to payment, (4)Pre-award Cost Proposal Evaluations of CIO-SP3, CIO-SP3 Small Business, and assisted order acquisitions.
Principal, Allmond & Company, CPAs, August 2005 to present.
Audit Manager, Cox and Associates, CPAs, August 1995 to August 2005.
Senior Auditor/Accountant, Allmond & Company, CPAs, August 1994 to August 1995.
Senior Auditor/Accountant, Romac, Inc., February 1994 - August 1994.
Senior Auditor/Project Manager, Computer Data Systems, Inc., September 1992 - January 1994.
Vanessa McCollum, CPA, CGFM
Senior Audit Manager
B.B.A., Accounting, Bowie State University, 2007
Vanessa has over 12 years of experience providing financial and accounting support. Ms. McCollum has supported CFO Act audit engagements and compilations and reviews for small business and not-for-profit entities. Federal audits are performed in accordance with OMB Bulletin No. 07-04, Government Auditing Standards, GAO/PCIE FAM. Federal government financial statements are prepared in accordance with OMB Circular No. A 136. Ms. McCollum provided Federal officials advisory assistance in role as auditor and accountant.
Ms. McCollum served as an experienced senior manager on the audit engagement for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, a large, complex and decentralized organization. Ms. McCollum works on the audit processes of payroll and compliance with laws and regulations, and financial reporting. She was involved in all phases of the audit such as gaining an understanding of the agency’s process areas and internal controls over financial reporting through inquires and observations, preparing audit programs, evaluating and testing internal controls, conducting substantive testing, drafting cycle memorandums and flowcharts, drafting notice of findings and recommendations, supervising audit associates, and summarizing work papers.
Ms. McCollum served three years in senior manager role on the Army Audit Readiness engagements, three years on the financial statement of The Department of Commerce audits and several years on small CFO Act audits. Her responsibilities consisted of preparing or reviewing work papers, evaluating internal controls, preparing cycle memorandums and audit programs, conducting interviews, leading site visits, updating status agendas, preparing notice of findings and recommendations, supervising audit associates, advising senior auditors, and communicating directly to management or managers/partners. Ms. McCollum was responsible for the examination of human resources; travel expenses; FBwT; obligations/contracts; reimbursements; and property, plant, and equipment. She provided support in all phases of the audit. Ms. McCollum completed the internal control and substantive testing and work paper summarization on the audits.
Michelle Merritt, CPA, CGFM
Senior Audit Manager
B.S., Accounting, Shepherd University, 2011
Ms. Merritt serves as a senior audit manager in Allmond & Company’s federal practice. Ms. Merritt joined Allmond & Company in October 2011. Since that time, Ms. Merritt has been performing as staff, experienced staff auditor, and senior auditor/senior IT auditor on the audits of the Department of Justice’s (DOJ), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and other financial statements. Ms. Merritt conducted these audits in accordance with government auditing standards and generally accepted auditing standards issued by the AICPA. He observed generally accepted government accounting principles established by FASAB and generally accepted accounting principles established by the FASB when conducting the engagements. He tested federal agencies compliance with OMB A-123, A-11, A-136, A-130, A-127, and other financial directives of OMB. She provided federal officials advisory assistance in the role as management advisor.
Ms. Merritt has performed as senior audit manager on 10 small agency financial statement audits engagements. Ms. Merritt performed the financial statement audits in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards established by GAO and generally accepted auditing standards established by the AICPA. Ms. Merritt was responsible for performing walkthroughs of assigned process areas, conducting inquiries, identifying key internal controls, evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of key internal controls, assessing the risk of significant misstatement, selecting samples for control test work, documenting sample methodologies used, performing substantive procedures over financial statement line items, and drafting notification of findings and recommendations. She was responsible for examining budget, grants, laws and regulations, disbursements, financial reporting, and fund balance with treasury. She performed in all phases of the audit.
Ms. Merritt performed as audit manager on the Consolidated financial statement audit of the Department of Justice. Ms. Merritt was responsible for performing walkthroughs of assigned process areas, conducting inquiries, identifying key internal controls, evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of key internal controls, assessing the risk of significant misstatement, selecting samples for control test work, documenting sample methodologies used, performing substantive procedures over financial statement line items, and drafting notification of findings and recommendations. She was responsible for examining budget, grants, laws and regulations, disbursements, financial reporting, and fund balance with treasury.
Lydia C. Murray, CPA, CICA
Senior Audit Manager
B.B.A., Accounting, University of the District of Columbia, 1994
Lydia Murray is a senior manager in Allmond & Company’s federal practice. Ms. Murray has over 25 years of Federal accounting and auditing experience, has directed or managed several of Allmond & Company’s accounting and audit engagements, which include over 10 financial and program audits of contractors and grantees and 10 CFO Act financial statement audits. She has been responsible for directing engagements covering the major processes. She performed on engagements involving numerous material weaknesses and continued these during resolution of these issues. In conducting audits during her entire career, Ms. Murray performed audits in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards established by GAO and generally accepted auditing standards established by the AICPA. She tested federal agencies compliance with OMB A-123, A-11, A-136, and other financial directives of OMB.
Senior Audit Manager, Allmond & Company, LLC May 2013 - Present
Organization of American States (OAS) Washington, DC
Senior Accountant December 2004 –December 2012
Organization of American States (OAS) Washington, DC
Internal Auditor, Office of the Inspector General (OIG) June 2000 –December 2004
Staff and Senior Auditor, Allmond & Company, LLC February 1995 – June 2000

Kenya Allmond, CISSP
Senior IT Audit Manager
B.S., Computer Science, University of the District of Columbia, 1997
Master of Forensic Sciences with emphasis in High-Technology Crime Investigation, George Washington University, 2005
Ms. Allmond has over two decades of information technology experience including eight years of software development and three years of electronic discovery and computer forensics. Her software development experience includes development of financial and warehouse management systems including Peoplesoft.
Since joining Allmond & Company in 2009, Ms. Allmond information system audit experience includes evaluating the information technology general controls and information technology business process controls for financial statement audits and attestment engagements (SSAE-18 SOC 1 and SOC 2) in accordance with applicable OMB, GAO, and AICPA methodologies and requirements and ensuring that Information Assurance teams meet all audit requirements. She is most experienced in SAP based systems, the Oracle database and UNIX operating system layers but has experience with other technologies as well.
Ms. Allmond served as manager on the audit engagement for U.S. Army. She has been involved in all phases of the audit such as gaining an understanding of the agency’s information technology general controls related to financial reporting through inquires and observations, preparing audit programs, evaluating and testing information technology general controls, conducting substantive testing, drafting notice of findings and recommendations, supervising audit associates, and summarizing work papers.
Ms. Allmond's experience also includes two years on the Army Audit Readiness engagements, one year on the financial statement of The Department of Homeland Security audits and several years on small CFO Act audits.
In addition, Ms. Allmond has participated in all stages of the forensic data extraction process including data acquisition/analysis, recovery of deleted data and e-discovery. She has assisted attorneys and clients in understanding how electronic data relates to sensitive case issues. She has experience using a variety of commercially available and open source forensic and data recovery tools and processes.
Ms. Allmond's experience in computer information systems prior to joining the firm includes:
IT Security Manager, BearingPoint, Inc., June 2008 to August 2009
Director, FTI Consulting, January 2007 to May 2008
Senior Consultant, FTI Consulting, January 2006 to May 2008
Developer, Capital One Financial Corporation, February 2001 to December 2005
Senior Software Engineer and Software Engineer, March 1998 to February 2001
Blair Clarke, CPA
Audit Manager
B.B.A., Accounting, Bowie State University, 2010
Mr. Clarke recently became an audit manager in Allmond and Company’s Federal audit practice. In conducting audits during his entire career, Mr. Clarke performed audits in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards established by GAO and generally accepted auditing standards established by the AICPA. He tested federal agencies compliance with OMB A-123, A-11, A-136, and other financial directives of OMB.
Mr. Clarke's responsibilities consisted of preparing or reviewing working papers, evaluating internal controls, preparing cycle memorandums and audit programs, conducting interviews, leading site visits, updating status agendas, preparing notice of findings and recommendations, supervising audit associates, and communicating directly to management or partners. He has worked on a variety of process areas such as financial reporting, budget, fund balance with treasury, human resources, procurement, property plant and equipment, and significant laws and regulations. He performed in all phases of the audit. He has participated six financial statement audits under the CFO Act in accordance with GAO/PCIE’s Financial Audit Manual.