Allmond & Company is a certified public accounting firm that began operations in August 1985. In April 1994, its name was changed from Buck, Allmond & Company to its current name after the withdrawal of Louis W. Buck as a partner. In May 2006, its form of business was changed to a limited liability corporation organized in the State of Maryland. During the past twenty-seven years, the firm has provided tax, accounting, auditing, and management advisory services to hundreds of professionals and small to medium-sized businesses in the Washington, DC area. Notwithstanding these services, the firm's primary efforts during this period have been in support of accounting and auditing requirements of the Federal Government. The firm graduated from the U.S. Small Business Administration 8(a) program in November 1997. Currently, Allmond & Company is a small disadvantaged business.

Allmond & Company’s accounting and financial support work for Federal agencies has resulted in numerous benefits to financial managers and taxpayers. The staff’s knowledge and understanding of Federal finance and accounting directives and guidelines has been one of the primary attributes that has lead to the firm’s delivery of quality service and products. Some of the financial and accounting services provided include budget preparation and analyses, management of financial centers, federal financial statements preparation and support, inventory management and accountability, processing financial related activities and reporting the results in agreed-upon form, and evaluating operations.
Allmond & Company's audit work related to federal financial statements has covered a number of large Federal agencies as well as small independent agencies. Allmond & Company's audit approach has been designed to efficiently and effectively complete each audit phase within the timing required to meet the specified deliverable deadlines associated with reporting to the President and Congress. Allmond & Company has conformed its examinations exactly to generally accepted auditing standards; Government Auditing Standards; and OMB Bulletin No. 07-04.
To ensure compliance with each of these requirements, Allmond & Company staff has followed GAO's Financial Audit Manual (FAM), which provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date CFO Act audit approach ever published. Allmond & Company has successfully used the FAM in all of its prior federal audit engagements.
Allmond & Company has demonstrated the capability of performing the following services for Federal agencies:
Accounting support services related to year-end closing and financial statement preparation
Establishment, documentation, and implementation of internal control policies and procedures for financial and accounting activities
Management of financial and accounting activities of governmental programs
Budget formation and analyses
Reconciliation of agency balances with external entities accounting for the same balances
Performing annual financial statement audits in accordance with industry and governmental standards
Performing financial related audits (cost incurred audits, final cost audits, financial capabilities reviews, accounting systems reviews, indirect cost audits, financial proposal reviews, settlement cost reviews, termination audits, and time and material audits) in accordance with industry and governmental standards
Performing audits and assessments of information systems in accordance with United States Government Accountability Office (GAO), Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual (FISCAM), Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA), OMB Circular A-127, Financial Management Systems, and OMB Circular A-130, Management of Federal Information Resources
Performing internal control reviews of agency financial reporting activities
Performing performance audits of federal programs, entities, and funding
Financial and compliance audits of federal contractors or grantees
Accounting and audit training
Other accounting and audit related services